Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Information about chickenpox

What Is Chicken Pox?
Chickenpox is a rash illness caused by a virus. Once a person is exposed to the chickenpox virus, it takes between 2 and 3 weeks before the symptoms appear. Chickenpox usually occurs in childhood. Adults who contract chicken pox are usually more ill, especially with pneumonia. Chickenpox is very common and highly contagious. Approximately 3 million cases occur each year in the United States . More than 90% of Chickenpox cases occur in children less than 12 years of ag
Symptoms of Chickenpox?
The symptoms of chickenpox vary from individual to individual. Some people may experience all of these symptoms while others experience one or two.
The most common symptoms of chickenpox are:
  • Mild fever. The fever varies between 101º F to 105º F and returns to normal when the blisters have disappeared.
  • backache
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • a rash (red spots)
  • blisters filled with fluid
How is Chickenpox Transmitted?
Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. When a patient with chickenpox coughs or sneezes, they expel tiny droplets that carry the chicken pox virus (varicella-zoster virus, VZV). If a person who has never had chicken pox inhales these particles, the virus enters the lungs and is carried through the blood to the skin where it causes the typical rash of chicken pox. The infected droplets cause an initial infection in the respiratory epithelium.
The incubation period of chickenpox is between 10 and 20 days.
Before the typical rash appears, patients often develop a fever, headache, swollen glands and other flu like symptoms.
Skin vesicles contain the virus but are not the primary sources. Scabs are not infectious. Patients are contagious from 2 days before onset of the rash until all lesions have crusted.
Can Chickenpox be prevented?
Chickenpox can be prevented . The easiest way to prevent catching chicken pox is to get vaccinated. However, vaccination is only successful in 70% to 90% of all vaccinations. Individuals who have been vaccinated but still acquire chickenpox, usually have a milder disease that heals more quickly than non vaccinated individuals.
Chickenpox and Pregnancy

Chickenpox can cause serious problems during
 pregnancy, especially when infection occurs early in the pregnancy or at the time of delivery. If chickenpox occurs early in pregnancy, several types of fetal abnormalities, including limb abnormalities, scarring ofinternal organs and neurological damage can occur. Pregnant women who suspect exposure to chickenpox should immediately contact their healthcare provider.
© bujji

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Natural therapy for heart vain opening

For Heart Vein Opening

1) Lemon juice 01 cup
2) Ginger juice 01 cup
3) Garlic juice 01 cup
4) Apple vinegar 01 cup

Mix all above and boil in light flame approximately half
hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take it out and keep it
for cooling. After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey
and keep it in bottle.
Every morning before breakfast use one Table spoon
regularly. Your blockage of Vein's will open
(No need any Angiography or By pass)

Dear colleagues, I am working in Coimbatore City ..... I wanted to share an incident of my life with you, hoping that it may be an eye opener to you so that you can live more years.
On 30 th December evening, I had severe heart attack symptom and I was rushed to the hospital.
After reaching to the hospital, the doctors prescribed a test called angiogram. This test is basically to identify blood flow of heart arteries. When they finished the test they found a 94% block in the main artery, please see the image below with red circle.

At this point, I wanted to share my living style, which has caused this block in my heart arteries. Please see the below points of my life style, if any of these points are part of your life style then you are at risk, please change yourselves.

1. I was not doing any physical exercise for more than 10 years, not even walking 30 minutes a day for years.

2. My food timings are 11:00 AM Breakfast or no! Breakfast, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Lunch and dinner at 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM.

3. Sleeping in very odd timings, going to bed between 12:00 AM and 3:00 AM. Waking up at between 9:00 AM and 10:30AM........ Sometimes spending sleepless nights.

4. I used to eat heavily because of long gaps between lunch and dinner and I used to make sure that Non-Veg is available most of the time, there were times when I did survey on city hotels to find delicious Non-Veg dishes. I was never interested in vegetable and healthier food.

5. Above all I was chain smoker from years.

6. My father passed away due to heart problems, and the doctors say the heart problems are usually genetic.

Once they identified the major block they have done immediately a procedure called angioplasty along with 2 Stints, mean they will insert a foreign body into the heart arteries and open the blocked area of arteries. Please see the below image after the procedure.

I learnt from the doctors that 60% of people will die before reaching the hospital, 20% people will die in the process of recovering from heart attack and only 20% will survive... In my case, I was very lucky to be part of the last 20%. 

Doctors instructions:

 Need to have physical exercise for minimum of 45 minutes daily. 
 Eat your food at perfect timings like how you eat during your school days. Eat in small quantities more times and have lot of vegetables and boiled food, try to avoid fry items and oily food. Fish is good than other non-vegetarian food. 
 Sleep for 8 hours a day, this count should complete before sun rising
 Stop smoking. 
 Genetic problems, we cannot avoid but we can get away from it by having regular checkups. 
 Find a way to get relieved from the stress (Yoga, Meditation etc). 
So I urge you all to please avoid getting into this situation, it is in your hands to turn the situation upside down, by just planning / changing your life style, by following simple  points above.
© bujji

Thursday, February 4, 2010

IMPortant INFO

Hello friends...

If you know anyone who has met with a fire accident or people who are born with problems/disabiliti es in jointed ear, nose and mouth, Please note they can avail free plastic surgery by kodaikanal pasam hospital…from March 23rd to 4th April by German

Every thing is FREE
Contact no 045420240668, 240668,245732. ..

No harm in forwarding.. .some person will be benefitted some

With Love
© bujji

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to Get Blood in Emergency!!


Now it has become easier to get the blood we need.

All you have to do is just type "BLOOD and send SMS to 96000 97000" (in India)



So please pass this message to all. It certainly would save many lives.

It's a Must to Know & Share. Do it now....

Forward this to all your friends whom you care the minute you spare to share this information can save somebody's life with rare Blood Group!

© bujji

Breathing Theraphy : -

Our noses have left and right nostrils.
Are these nostrils having the same function for inhaling (breathe in) and exhaling (breathe out)?

Actually it's not the same and we can feel the difference.
Accordingly, the right side represents the sun and the left side represents the moon.
When having headache, try to close your right nostril and use your left nostril to do
breathing for about 5 minutes. The headache will be gone.

If you feel too tired, do it the opposite way. Close your left nostril and breathe
through your right nostril. After a while, you will feel refresh again.

Because the right side belongs to heat, so it gets hot easily. The left side gets cold easily.

Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calm down easily.
Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily.

When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster???
Is it the left side or the right side?

If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired.
Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refresh quickly.

You can teach your kids about it. The effect of breathing therapy is much better for adults.

I used to have painful headache. When consulted a doctor, he told me jokingly,
"You will be all right if you get married!" The doctor did not bullshit
me as he had his theory and supported with testimony.

During that time, I used to have headache every night and I was not able to work.
I took medicine but I was not cured.

One night as I sat down to mediate, I closed my right nostril and breathed with my left nostril.
In less than a week, it seemed that my headache problem had left me!

I continued doing it for about a month and since then there was no recurrence of headache in me.

This is my own experience. I used to tell others who also suffer headache to try this method
as it was effective for me. It also works for those who have tried as well.

This is a natural therapy, unlike taking medicines for a long time may have side effect.
So, why don't you try it out?

Practice the correct ways of breathing (breathe in & breathe out) and your body will be
in a very relaxing condition.

Thanks to Bujji

With Love