Monday, May 31, 2010


You had your baby, and he or she was a breach baby. Several months or even years later, you learn that you have thyroid . Both of these events could be due to the fact that you didn’t get enough iodine during your pregnancy. Other problems can occur as well, and while some problems can be treated, some problems are fairly profound and life altering.

The importance of
 iodine during pregnancy

The Importance of Iodine for Pregnant Women... 

Low thyroid function is the greatest concern for women who do not get enough iodine during pregnancy. Unfortunately, women don’t get enough iodine for two reasons. First, pregnant women are advised not to eat fish due to mercury concerns – and that fish is vital for iodine, and second women are not prescribed the prenatal VITAMINS that contain iodine.

Thyroid disease can be treated with medication, but it is a lifelong disease with no cure, and even if treated, it can lead to other health problems as well. Lack of iodine during pregnancy is not the only way to develop thyroid disease. It can also be inherited, and can occur for no apparent reason at all as well.

The Importance of Iodine for Unborn Babies

pregnancy diet

Aside from being a breach baby, your baby could also have diminished brain function due to lack of iodine while he or she was in the fetus. Cognitive function could also be severely diminished. Simply put, lack of iodine during the gestation period could mean "mental retardation" for your child.
Unfortunately, you cannot increase your child’s intake of iodine after he or she is born in an effort to undo any damage that may have been done due to the lack of iodine during the pregnancy.
In order to get the Iodine that you need, check with your doctor to make sure the he is prescribing you a prenatal vitamin that contains iodine. You can also sprinkle your food with Keep to increase your iodine intake, and this is considered safe for pregnant women.

Potassium Iodide is the type of iodine that you need the most. It is vital that you talk about iodine intake with your doctor to determine the best way to introduce it to your system, and also to determine how much iodine you need to be introducing to your system each day.

Intake of iodine should continue for your entire life, for good health, but increased levels are also needed if you are breast feeding.

From : pregnancy guiide for indian women health

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