1.Panchamaha bhuthas
The basic philosophy of ayurveda is based on the panchamahabhutas theory,
According to ayurveda all things on the earth are formed by Panchamaha bhuthas ,there is not a single thing on the earth ,which is not made out of these mahabhutas, the elements are found in nature as well as human body. The medicines as well as eatables, which we use in our day today life, are formed by panchamahabhutas
GUNA (properties):-
The particle of the earth element is heavy, rough, dense, hard, tough, big in size, neither too hot nor too cold
RASA (Taste):-
Swadu (sweet) and Astringent
Sense organ and sense:-
Nose –smell (gandha)
Organs in human body:-
Muscle, viscera, skin and Malas (the excreta product through out of human body)
· Shape to human body
· Weight to human body
· Imparts stability to human body
Food or eatable
Meat, wheat, rice and etc
Water is present in nature in the natural resources like well, river, sea etc
It’s present in the different organs and parts of body. In human body in deferent proportions over all if you see human body is made water in major proposition, as its contains 70 % of water
Heavy, liquid, particles are big in size, cold, moisture, permeable, soft and viscous
Secretion of body, urine, sperm, blood, lymph, saliva etc
Sour, salty and astringent
Sense organ & sense:-
Tongue – taste
· Cooling the temperature of the body
· Weight of the body
· Acts as lubricating agent in the body(I e Synovial fluid present in joint
· Nourishment to the body
· Keeps all the cells and tissue together
Citrus fruit, water, milk etc
In the natural form it is present in the form of sunlight in the nature; in the same manner fire is present in the human body in different organs like eyes as well as bile secreted in the gall bladder of the liver, gastric juice secreted in the stomach etc
Light, minute, sharp, hot, lightening
Taste (rasa):-
Pungent, salt and sour
Sense &sense organ
Eye – eye sight
Eyes, bile, gastric juice, enzymes etc
· Maintain eye sight
· Distinguish the colours
· Maintain the body temperature
· Digestion of the food
In the natural form it’s the Air. Which we inhale, it is present in the human body in different parts of body, its important pancha mahabhutas which if not received to animals or plants they cannot survive for a long time
Gunas (character)
Light, dry, rough, minute, cold, transparent and more tangible than ether
Rasa (taste)
Astringent and bitter
Sense & sense organ
Skin – touch
Intestines, skin and bones, etc
· Helps in respiration
· Excretion
· Feelings the sense of touch
Pop corn, bread and cake etc
In the nature it’s the sky. It is said to be the first element originated .this is element is important all other as rest as get place to stay in this mahabhutas. In similar manner in human body also this element also provides space for different organs, because without space of this whole world would have been a big mass
It has no particles nor does it have any taste
Sense and sense organ
Abdomen, intestines, bones, ear, and all cavities in the body
· In the human it provides space to respective place of all organs
· Keep different organs and cells separate from each other
· Function of hearing is particularly by space element
Pop corns, bitter guard, capsicum etc
These pancha mahabhutas theory is also helpful in curing various disease, because it’s said in the theory of ayurveda that medicine or food stuff having qualities as characteristics similar to the aggravate the symptoms of the disease, whereas if we use the food stuff of opposite characteristics it helps in curing the disease by reducing the aggravated mahabhutas in the disease for e.g. If a person suffering from hyper acidity if he is still continuously eating the food stuff which is rich in fire element naturally his symptoms of the disease will be aggravated more, where as food stuff rich in prithvi mahabhutas helps in decreasing the symptoms of acidity