Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Power Diet for Quick Weight Loss

In this fast moving life we do not get much time to spare for physical exercise so in such a situation a healthy and nutritious diet can solve the purpose. 

Early Morning 

Start your day with lemon juice and honey in lukewarm water; this helps your body to get rid of harmful acids produced by the body. 


Choose any one or two from the following options 
Egg white omelet (2) + 2 slices of brown bread, 
Milk (Skimmed Milk) +Cornflakes/ Oats /Wheat bran 
Fruit salad / Sprouts. 
Vegetable Poha / Upma 
Skimmed milk cottage cheese + Brown Bread 

Pre Lunch 

Take black coffee before the afternoon meal this helps in boosting metabolism. 


Boiled / Roasted Chicken/ Soyabean (200 grams) +Brown Rice (1/2 plate) / Chapatti (1) 
Boiled Dal +salad + Brown Rice (1/2 plate) / Chapatti (1-2) 
Take Probiotic curd (100grams) as it helps in digestion. 
Vegetable Daliya 


Take some citrus fruits to satisfy the hunger pangs in the evening, 
Green tea with two Marie Lite biscuit 
Boiled Channa 


Choose any one or two from the following options 
Boiled Soybean Nutrela/ soup + salad, 
Boiled Egg White (3) + Vegetable clear soup 
Chicken or Tuna salad. 
Boiled Dal 
Vegetable Daliya 

Pre Bed –time 

150 -200 ml of skimmed milk. 

Beside the above diet keep in mind the following points- 
• Avoid heavy dinner; maintain at least 3 to 4 hours of gap between meal and sleep. 
• Replace cold drinks with coconut water, vegetable soup or butter milk 
• Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water everyday 
• Fibre is excellent for weight loss , so consume more of raw vegetables and fruits 
• All carbs are not bad; avoid simple carbs like sugar, sweet and processed food. 
• Never skip meals. 
• Avoid Bakery products. 
• Replace Chicken Tikka with Chicken Salami 
• Avoid taking water along with the meal. 

Follow the above mentioned points for 6 days in a week and once in a week please your taste buds with one meal of your choice but don’t forget only one. Try to take out some time for physical exercises at least thrice a week

Pursue the above mentioned rules and fit in your old clothes again but don’t forget the results may vary from person to person and don’t try to bully your body.

NOTE : Please consult our DOCTOR before doing anything...
Dr. K.Kavasanand.
+91 99 94 63 63 63

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